Role of the Parents

By | 2 February 2024

The Parent Association is the structure through which parents/guardians in a school can work together for the best possible education for their children.
The Parents Association is committed to providing information and support for parents and teachers in the best interests of our children’s education. They aim to promote and uphold the ethos of the school.

Membership of the Parents Association is open to all parents/guardians of children enrolled in the school, teaching staff and teaching staff with children in the school. We pro actively encourage both male and female representation.

Throughout the year the Parents Association organise a number of activities, which includes fundraising events, extra-curricular activities, school sport’s day, etc. These activities take considerable time and effort on the part of voluntary members of the committee.

As a voluntary committee, they welcome any help or assistance.
Please contact any member of the committee or email us at the school.

Chairperson : Mrs K. Heasley

Secretary: Mr Shane Monaghan

Treasurer: Mrs J. Healy Calderon